Words from Cats - Prologue

Cats are one of the most popular kind of pets in the world, known to be tiny panthers we can cherish and share our homes with. Usually more independent than dogs, they show us that love also means respecting individuality; they make it clear that sharing life with others doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it as an individual as well. You see… they are our cats now, but they don’t forget they were once wild panthers.

Throughout history and along the past few thousand years, cats have also been considered mystic animals, worshiped by Egyptians and connected to black magic in the middle ages. Even today, no one can deny they’re still considered mystical creatures by people all over the world.
Now… what do you think it would happen if you were able to get advice from your own cat? What would he tell you? If you were somehow able to listen to what he has to say, would it make a difference in your life? Would you decide to listen and give some thought to it? Or would you ignore it, thinking “he’s just a cat”?
This is what this book is all about. Ever since my early years I’ve felt drawn to the animal kingdom and since I can ever remember, they have been my reliable guides when it comes to my own personal growth.
 I believe there’s a sacred place deep inside each one of us in which we can reach out to every living being’s soul in this planet and to help enlighten each other’s paths…and that includes our feline friends.
I believe anyone can reach this sacred place within. All you need to do is believe that you can and be willing to listen. I hope this book can help you find the way or if you already did, I hope it brings a smile upon your face and a sparkle into your eyes, knowing it is indeed true: our pets never come into our lives by chance, and if we allow them to, they really change our lives forever.
I hope you enjoy reading this book at least as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for showing up.


 *Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
