Sal Island, an inspiring trip to Cape Verde

Hi, guys!

So, a few days before I left for my honeymoon, I got pretty anxious by the thought of leaving my cats and dogs. Even though It was only for a week long, and knowing they would be very well taken care of, I was still very nervous about it. Fortunately, as the week went by I managed to relax a bit, and open up to my destination's hidden treasures. 

I went to Cape Verde, more specifically Salt Island. Now, I could spend hours talking about its landscapes, culture, poverty... but I won't. I had a few very special encounters with the animal kingdom while I was there, and those are the stories I will share here. I'll tell you all about the inspiring words from a few opportunist sparrows, young lemon sharks, a stray dog... and last but not least, of course, a cat. Not any cat, though: he is the king. 
So come along with me for the next few days, If you wish to hear their stories.

